Sunday, October 28, 2012

keys for keyboard

Some Important Short Cut Keys

Short cut keys
This Post about related some important short cut keys. This is very useful keys used in during in Computer operate. Some time your keyboard and mouse is not work. So remember and used these all keys functions For example (Alt + Space + R)  This short
key reduces the size of window. Much more keys save in your mind for best operating Computer.


If you feel that your mouse is not working properly, than you can use these short keys to operate without mouse. Here are 

1. Alt + Space + R
This short key reduces the size of window

2. Alt + Space + M
You can move any small size window to any corner of your desktop.Use arrows keys to move left, right, top or bottom and press


3. Alt + Space + X
You can maximize  any small window by pressing this short key.

To minimize any window use this short key.

4. Alt + Tab.
Maximize any minimized window.  Moreover if you are using two or more than two programs then you can also use this short key

to select your required programe.

5. Win+U+U
If you want to shut down your computer without mouse then press window key and then press “U” key 2 times.

6. Win + U + R
Use these keys to restart your Computer.

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