Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Islam Fought

How Islam Fought Terrorism

While Caesar had sleepless nights, Umar (RA) slept under a tree without anyone guarding him.
The U.S. method of fighting terrorism by force, injustice, pre-emptive strikes, unilateral action and "regime change" only adds fuel to the fire. As witnessed by the recent world events.

The Bush administration has released a new National Security Strategy document which has been likened by the Moscow Times to Hitler's Mein Kampf, and described by the New York Times as Bush's "how I'll rule the world" blueprint.

This method which is used by Israel has only been devastating to both sides if measured in human cost, loss of freedom, psychological trauma and economic loss. The U.S. and the rest of the World will be expected to suffer similar losses when it mirrors the method used by Israel and Hitler as shown by the following statement from the Bush administration, "the only path to peace and security is the path of action". That is, the U.S. must wage a perpetual war, because without war there can be no peace If we compare this attitude with that of the Early Muslims who are considered the best generation, we find the following example of Caliph Omar.

The Battle

 The Battle of Uhud

The Qureshites came out from the Battle of Badr with an astonishing result which they did not expect. They were confident of their capability to annihilate the Muslims easily. For the Qureshites were more numerous and with a bigger reserve and more logistics. Yet, they suddenly found themselves losing seventy of their warriors and leaders, along with seventy captives, in a one-day battle. And above all, the resounding defeat which they received was at the hand of a group whom they used to belittle.
The Qureshites were unwilling to admit a final defeat. They lost a battle, but they believed that they would never lose the war. All they needed was to mobilize forces to which the Muslims would not be able to stand. The burning hatred in the hearts of Qureshites and their desire to wash away the shame of the defeat at Badr and their eagerness to avenge their lost leaders added to their physical superiority a tremendous psychological strength.

3 Health

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Activity Level Predicts

Activity Level Predicts Heart Disease in Women


New research suggests that a woman’s level of physical activity is a better sign than body weight of existing coronary artery disease and future heart problems. The study, which appeared in the September 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (2004; 292 [10], 1179–87), examined 906 women who had chest pain, suspected narrowing of the coronary arteries, or both. Researchers calculated each woman’s body mass index (BMI), and patients were categorized as normal weight, overweight or obese. In addition, the women answered a questionnaire that assessed their physical activity levels and abilities.

Milk pasteurization

Milk pasteurization promotes the growth of super germs, say scientists

(NaturalNews) Human interference with mother nature is always a bad idea, and new research has identified spore-forming bacteria that not only survives milk pasteurization, but are able to germinate as a result of the heat. Certain bacteria have the ability to form a tough, protective endospore which allows them to survive extreme conditions. Food scientists have identified Paenibacillus bacteria as the predominant spore-forming bacteria in milk.
Nature's ecosystem is involved in development of everything around us, and the different microorganisms have varying important functions. When we spray our soil with chemicals, use antibiotics, pasteurize food, etc. we damage this ecosystem and create a cascade of problems.